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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Hancock Starts Back to School Campaign

by: Sean Hanna, Editor in Chief

It's back to school season. For many retailers, that means it is time for "Back to School" sales. For insurers it means an opportunity to pitch its 529 college savings plan product. The insurer has kicked off a seven week effort built around direct mail and advisors education to boost its 529 sales.

"Not only is Back-to-School the perfect time for financial professionals to come back after the summer, we now can help them communicate the positive news about the pension bill that it looks like federal tax free distributions are here to stay and also about our recent addition of lifestyle funds to our 529 investment lineup," explained Diana Scott, senior vice president and general manager of John Hancock College Savings.

At the heart of the Hancock campaign is a kit that includes tools designed to spark discussion about the plans. It includes a college cost slide ruler which displays projected college costs for different ages as well as the corresponding savings amounts needed to meet these costs. The costs are displayed in annual, monthly, and lump sum amounts. It also includes back-to-school themed giveaways such as pencils, erasers, a calculator ruler, word magnet/photo frame, note pad and highlighter among other things.

"As the kids head back to school, we've found that many advisors use the college savings discussion as a way to begin building their businesses. We want them to know we're behind them, developing products, processes and marketing support. The purpose of the kit is to motivate them to get started, but we really hope their experience with our product and sales staff keeps them engaged," said Scott.

The John Hancock Freedom 529 is offered by the Education Trust of Alaska and managed by T. Rowe Price, and is distributed by Hancock Distributors. 

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