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Rating:iMoneyNet Hires Fidelity Vet Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Monday, November 7, 2005

iMoneyNet Hires Fidelity Vet

by: Sean Hanna, Editor in Chief

Fidelity veteran Kevin Grist has signed on with iMoneyNet as a sales director. Grist, 39, will lead the effort by the Westborough, Massachusetts-based unit of Informa to sell its new Web-based services to corporate treasurers.

He reports to Randy Wood, managing director of iMoneyNet and will lead the efforts in the firm's U.S. and London offices.

"His hiring comes at a time when we are launching our new Web-based Money Fund Analyzer product, and we expect him to add sales professionals to market our extensive product line to customers here and abroad," said Wood.

The Money Fund Analyzer allows clients to access iMoneyNet's database around the clock. The product includes information on nearly 1,800 money market funds with $1.9 trillion in assets.

Before joining iMoneyNet, Grist spent eight years at Fidelity Investments. He was most recently a market manager in Fidelity's Cash Business Unit based in Smithfield, Rhode Island.

Prior to that, he sold Fidelity institutional money-market funds to financial institutions as a senior internal wholesaler.

Grist said that he will lead a campaign to educate corporate treasurers at thousands of U.S. companies about how the benefits of iMoneyNet's analytical tools during the next few months.

"We will show them how to use our unbiased, third-party information to increase efficiencies in their cash management operations," Grist said.  

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