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Rating:Fido Clones Target-Date Funds for Canada Not Rated 2.3 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Friday, October 21, 2005

Fido Clones Target-Date Funds for Canada

by: Theresa Sim

Fidelity is bringing clarity to Canada. The fund firm's Canadian arm plans to sell retail versions of its target-date retirement funds beginning on November 3, but under a different moniker.

Unlike in the U.S., where the funds go by the name the Fidelity Freedom Funds, the Canadian counterparts will be called the ClearPath Retirement Portfolios.

Fidelity began selling ClearPath portfolios through defined contribution plans in Canada in October of 2004. Those funds have approximately $200 million in assets.

The ClearPath suite includes nine funds, beginning with a target-retirement date of 2005 in five year increments until 2045, and one income fund.

Like their U.S. counterparts, the ClearPath funds invest in other Fidelity funds. They grow more conservative as the investor approaches his retirement date.  

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