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Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Music to Fidelity's Ears

by: Theresa Sim

Fidelity Investments and Paul McCartney have partnered again to launch a charity that will raise money for music programs, reports the Boston Globe.

Fidelity will promote the Music Lives Foundation through television ads which mention Fidelity and Paul McCartney at the end of the ads, according to the Globe.

While Fidelity has an ongoing advertising campaign with the ex-Beatle, Fidelity spokeswoman Deborah Pont told the Boston Globe that the point of the charity is to raise money, not to sell Fidelity's products.

Fidelity plans to donate approximately $1 million to the Music Lives Foundation. The organization will raise money through promoting pewter bracelets at $40 a pop. Each bracelet will be engraved with Fidelity and Paul McCartney's names on the inside, and the tag "Music Lives" on the inside.

Plans call for Fidelity to seed the Music Lives Foundation with nearly $1 million. The foundation looks to raise funds through promoting a ''limited edition" pewter bracelet. Each person contributing at least $40, the cost of putting a musical instrument into a child's hands, will receive a bracelet. The outside of the bracelet reads ''Music Lives." McCartney's and Fidelity's names are engraved inside.  

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