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Monday, October 17, 2005

SEI Hopes SMA Managers Think Different

by: Sean Hanna, Editor in Chief

Outsourced SMA administrator SEI Investments has taken the wraps off its new separately managed account operations application. The new SEI Manager Dashboard is a Web-based tool that the firm hopes will solve some of the biggest operations information and data availability issues facing SMA investment managers.

The Dashboard is available to managers on platforms that use SEI's SMA outsourcing services.

Tying together information from multiple asset managers offered across multiple broker-dealer platforms has been one of the operational banes of the SMA industry. Those complexities have also given advantages to larger players with the business scale needed to invest in and develop custom solutions and tweaks to software and systems.

Those issues have led some asset managers to limit the number of distributors they work with.

SEI promises that its Manager Dashboard will tie information from all portfolio accounting, trading, document management, and workflow automation systems. It also will provide management level reports and analysis tools intended to show business trends.

Steve Meyer, head of SEI's Investment Manager Services unit, said that the Dashboard will let managers uncover business opportunities and gain audience-specific insights hidden in their existing data.

"Beyond streamlining information management across all business functions, the Dashboard for SMAs is a tool for transforming the way SMA managers think, communicate, and strategize about their business," added Meyer.  

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