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Rating:Morningstar Crowns Top Managers, Expect Flows to Follow Not Rated 2.3 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Monday, January 3, 2005

Morningstar Crowns Top Managers, Expect Flows to Follow

by: Theresa Sim

After reading Morningstar's effusive praise for the managers on their awards list, it's probably hard for investors to resist the urge to pick up the phone or pull up the screen and make a swap. MFWire is betting that herd mentality will rule: expect more flows into Morningstar's top-managed funds, which this year includes funds from Dodge & Cox, T. Rowe Price and Western Asset Management.

Brian Berghuis of T. Rowe Price, who manages the firm's $12.7 billion Mid-Cap Growth fund, was awarded top domestic manager, while Morningstar analysts turned to Dodge & Cox for the top international manager award, naming Bryan Cameron, Mario DiPrisco, Jacob Gofman, John Gunn, Gregory Serrurier, Diana Strandberg, and Kouji Yamada of Dodge & Cox's International Stock fund top of the list.

Ken Leech and his team at Western Asset Management were recognized as best fixed income managers for the Western Asset Core Bond. 

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