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Rating:A CFO Joins a $3.5B-AUM Fund Firm Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Tuesday, March 29, 2022

A CFO Joins a $3.5B-AUM Fund Firm

Reported by Neil Anderson, Managing Editor

A $3.5-billion-AUM (as of December 31), 24-year-old, 29-person, employee-owned asset manager's team recently welcomed a finance chief.

Carolyn Bowles
Argent Capital Management LLC
Chief Financial Officer
Yesterday, Steve Finerty, chairman and co-founder of Argent Capital Management LLC [profile], confirmed that Carolyn Bowles has joined Argent. Bowles now serves as chief financial officer of the St. Louis-based boutique.

Bowles most recently did financial consulting work as president of Albright Financial, according to her LinkedIn profile.

"The addition of Carolyn represents another significant step forward in the growth of our firm," Finerty states. "Her experience and expertise in accounting and financial forecasting moves the needle for us in terms of planning new initiatives."

"This is a newly created role," Stephanie Dirscherl, director of marketing at Argent, tells MFWire. "We previously outsourced our CFO position, but due to our growth, we decided to bring the position in house."

Prior to her time at Albright, Bowles served in various finanical and analysis roles at Peabody Energy, and as an auditor with Ernst & Young. She is an alumna of the University of Kansas. 

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