Tomorrow, starting at 11am eastern, the team at the Investment Company Institute (
ICI) will
host an online
FinTech Forum, entitled "Introduction to Stablecoins."
On Wednesday,
Michael Salm, managing director and co-chief investment officer for fixed income at
Putnam Investments [
profile], is
expected to take over as the fund firm's sole fixed income CIO. His current fellow co-CIO of fixed income,
Bill Kohli will retire on Wednesday.
Also on Wednesday, managing partner
Jean Hynes is scheduled to
take over as
Wellington Management's CEO, succeeding the retiring
Brendan Swords.
This week, on the defined contribution side of the industry, the teams at
Morningstar, and
NAGDCA will host online events. Our sister publication,
401kWire, has more details.
MFWire will be closed next Monday in observance of the Independence Day market holiday. In the meantime, happy
National Paul Bunyan Day! 
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