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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Matthews and Polen Had a Big Virtual Afternoon

Reported by Neil Anderson, Managing Editor

The teams at Matthews Asia, Polen Capital, and half a dozen other firms had a big afternoon today, online.

Stanley C. "Stan" Moss
Polen Capital
This afternoon, the Investment Management Education Alliance (IMEA) team hosted an virtual celebration to reveal the winners of the overall and community awards in their 24th annual STAR Awards. (The bulk of the award winners, mostly asset managers, were revealed earlier this week for individual honors in a host of specific categories, as previously reported.)

"IMEA is excited to give investment management firms something to celebrate," Lintz tells MFWire, noting that about 100 fundsters attended the live-streamed event. "Hopefully, we will be able to be together again next year."

Eight firms (mostly mutual fund firms) won big STAR awards today, bringing the total number of STAR award winning firms this week to 32. Matthews Asia led the pack today with two group awards (one in advisor communications and one in investor communications), bringing its total to eight STAR Awards for week.

Polen Capital won the Community Investment Award today, in recognition of their Make-A-Wish Polen Capital Golf Tournament. The event has raised more than $1 million to help more than 240 children over the past seven years. (Polen also won an individual category STAR award earlier this week.)

Principal and T. Rowe Price each won a group award, bringing each of their STAR award totals to eight for the week.

Invesco won a group award, bringing its STAR total this week to four. Hennessy's group award brings its STAR total this week to three. Cambiar Investors now has two STAR awards this week, including a group award. And Carillon Tower Advisers also won a group award.

"If this were a typical year, the IMEA would be in Chicago right now with the industry's leading marketing and communication strategists," Lintz states. "But nothing has been typical in 2020 — including the extraordinary efforts by investment management firms to help their clients navigate these uncertain times. This industry can be very proud of the work it's done, and the IMEA is especially pleased to recognize the best of the best." 

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