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Friday, May 1, 2020

MA and NJ Govs Turn to Fundsters

Reported by Neil Anderson, Managing Editor

The governors of at least two states are turning to fundsters to help them navigate reopening the economy after the coronavirus shutdown.

Pamela Everhart
Fidelity Investments
Senior Vice President, Head of Regional Public Affairs and Community Relations
On Tuesday, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker (a Republican) named 17 people — including Pamela Everhart, senior vice president and head of regional public affairs and community relations at Boston-based Fidelity Investments [profile] — to a new Reopening Advisory Board. The board, which is co-chaired by Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito and Housing and Economic Development Secretary Mike Kinnealy, is expected to develop a report by May 18.

Also on Tuesday, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy (a Democrat) appointed 21 people — including Charlie Lowrey, chairman and CEO of PGIM [profile] parent Prudential Financial (and former CEO of Prudential Investment Management) — to a new Restart and Recovery Commission

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