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Tuesday, February 11, 2020

An ESG Shop Launches a Quarterly Link

Reported by Neil Anderson, Managing Editor

The team at a boutique ESG mutual fund firm has started up a new, regular connection with FAs.

Nikhil Joseph Sinha
Parnassus Investments
Chief Marketing Officer
Last week, the Parnassus Investments [profile] team launched a quarterly email newsletter, the Parnassus Link, confirms Joe Sinha, chief marketing officer at the San Francisco-based asset manager. The idea is to give advisors access to all the newest perspectives and updates from the Parnassus team, consolidated in one newsletter, instead of sending emails every few days with each separate update.

Sinha puts the newsletter in the context of Parnassus' sales and marketing strategy, which does not involve a big sales and marketing team

"We're not a sales-driven organization," Sinha tells MFWire. "We're client service-focused."

Parnassus has grown to $32 billion in AUM, and the team now does business with 35,000 FAs, Sinha says. Yet they didn't want to "massively increase staffing in terms of sales."

Interested FAs and "do-it-yourselfers" can go to Parnassus' website to sign up for the new newsletter, Sinha confirms. And he notes that signing up does not mean that the Parnassus team is going to be reaching out to you on the phone; it's just a way to keep in the loop.

"Nobody's going to call you," Sinha insists. 

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