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Monday, September 25, 2017

Filings For Fundsters - September 25, 2017

by: Bridget Doyle


On Tuesday the Lord Abbett Series Fund, Inc board of directors voted in favor of changing the name of the International Core Equity Portfolio to International Equity Portfolio. The name change will go into effect on October 31.


On Friday
Nationwide released details for its new mutual fund, Nationwide Long/Short Equity Fund. Logan Capital Management, Inc. is sub-advising the fund. Portfolio management of the long fund is split between a team of five people from the Logan Capital team including Al Besse, Stephen S. Lee, and Dana H. Stewardson from the Logan Capital executive committee, as well as portfolio managers Richard E. Buchwald and Marvin I. Kline. The short fund portfolio is co-managed by Guy Judkowski and David F. Schroll. Both are PMs harking from Waterloo Partners LP.


The Direxion Indexed Managed Futures Strategy Fund, advised by Rafferty Asset Management, LLC, is liquidating on October 27. Investments will be closed at the end of business on October 13, and the fund will no longer pursue its investment objective after the close of trading on October 20.

Global X Management Company LLC is liquidating the following funds:Global X Brazil Consumer ETF, Global X Brazil Mid Cap ETF, Global X Permanent ETF, Global X Junior MLP ETF, Global X Guru Activist Index ETF, Global X FTSE Andean 40 ETF, and Global X Guru International Index ETF. Shares of the funds will be closed after the close of regular trading at the NYSE on October 6. The funds will liquidate on October 13.

Share Classes

Starting last Friday, Capital Shares of the JPMorgan U.S. Treasury Plus Money Market Fund are now available for public investment. The purchase minimum to establish an account is $50 Million.


Check our previous Filings For Fundsters column (previously called Stork and Reaper) for more SEC filing updates. For the latest new hires, fund launches, and industry statistics, explore our Follow The Fundsters, New Fund Fuss, and AUM Update columns. If you have a fund filing, a mutual fund launch, a product change or a new hire that you would like to announce, please contact the MFWire team at editors@investmentwires.com. 

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