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Rating:Filings for Fundsters - July 24, 2017 Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Monday, July 24, 2017

Filings for Fundsters - July 24, 2017

by: Jennifer Qiao

Terminated Funds

On August 21 Ginkgo's Multi-Strategy Fund will liquidate. The fund will close and redeem all outstanding shares. From July 20 the fund will not accept any purchases.

On August 1 the PureFunds Solactive Fintech ETF will liquidate.


On June 22, John Hancock Variable Insurance Trust's Core Strategy Trust reorganized into the Lifestyle Growth PS Series, the Value Trust reorganized into the Mid Cap Index Trust, and the American New World Trust reorganized into the Emerging Markets Value Trust.

On July 20 shareholders of the AMG Managers Cadence Capital Appreciation Fund approved the reorganization of the Fund into AMG Renaissance Large Cap Growth Fund.

On November 17 Northern Institutional Funds will reorganize the Government Assets Portfolio into the U.S. Government Portfolio.

As of July 21 the reorganization of Vanguard Target Retirement 2010 Fund into Vanguard Target Retirement Income Fund is complete.

The Exceed Defined Shield Index Fund is reorganizing into the Catalyst/Exceed Defined Shield Fund, pending shareholder approval of a meeting scheduled for August 31.

On June 30 the Jackson National Life Insurance Company of New York will reorganize the Fixed Income 100 Fund into the Conservative Fund.

Share Class

On July 20 Virtus Mutual Funds' Silvant Small-Cap Growth Stock Fund Class IS Shares are no longer available for purchase.


On July 21 Rogge Global Partners, sub-adviser to the Dunham International Opportunity Bond Fund, merged by absorption into its parent company, Allianz Global Investors.

Fund Updates

On October 1 Deutsche Global Growth Fund will be renamed Deutsche International Growth Fund.


Until September 30, 2018 Deutsche Alternative Asset Allocation VIP will waive some fees.

On September 28, 2017 the Deutsche Small Cap Growth Fund will have a new fee schedule.

On July 21 Advantage Funds' Dreyfus Global Dynamic Bond Fund updated its fee schedule.

On July 21 Ivy Funds Ivy Proshares Index Funds updated its fee schedule for broker-dealers using the fund's A&E shares.

On July 13 the Board of Trustees of Voya Equity Trust approved changes to the Fund's management fee, sub-advisory fee, and 12b-1 fee for Class A shares and expense limits, effective August 1.

On July 20 Vanguard will impose a $10 wire fee on outgoing wire redemptions from nonretirement accounts. The change will apply to retirement accounts starting on September 13.

Fund Mergers

On December 4, 2017 the Deutsche Small Cap Value Fund will merge into Deutsche Small Cap Core Fund.

Strategy Changes

On July 21, 2017 Metropolitan Life Insurance Company's Metflex four Systematic Investment Strategies - the Equity Generator, the Equalizer, the Rebalancer, and the Allocator - are no longer available.

On August 1 the Voya MidCap Opportunities Portfolio's Board of trustees approved a change to allow the portfolio to invest in real estate-related securities including real estate investment trusts.

New Subadviser

Five Riverfront funds RiverFront Global Growth Fund, RiverFront Global Allocation Fund, RiverFront Dynamic Equity Income Fund, RiverFront Moderate Growth & Income Fun, and RiverFront Conservative Income Builder Fund will now invest in ETFs subadvised by Riverfront, who also subadvises the funds.

On August 25 Rampart Investment Management Company will begin serving as subadviser to the Virtus Alternatives Diversifier Fund, Virtus Equity Trend Fund, Vitus Global Equity Trend Fund, Virtus Multi-Asset Trend Fund, and Virtus Sector Trend Fund.

People Moves

This month Nicola Stafford was added as a PM to the Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock Fund and Kip Johann-Berkel was added as a PM to the Fidelity Small-Cap Stock Fund.


On July 21 the RBB Fund, Quasar Distributors, and Motley Fool Asset Management applied for exemptive relief to be able to create ETFs.

On July 21 EntrepreneurShares Series Trust Capital Impact Advisors and Rafferty Capital Markets applied for exemptive relief to create ETFs.

Check our last Filings For Fundsters column (previously called Stork and Reaper) for more SEC filing updates. For the latest new hires and fund launches, explore our Follow The Fundsters, The Next Gig, and New Fund Fuss columns. If you have a fund filing, a mutual fund launch, a product change or a new hire that you would like to announce, please contact the MFWire team at editors@investmentwires.com.  

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