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Rating:Follow the Fundsters - May 2, 2017 Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Follow the Fundsters - May 2, 2017

Reported by Marisa Santella

Company: AB

Appointments: Robert B. Zoellick, Seth Bernstein, Barbara Fallon-Walsh, Daniel G. Kaye, Ramon de Oliveira, Anders Malmstrom

There were some major changes made in the wake of Peter Kraus' resignation as chairman and CEO at AB. Firstly, its Board of Directors has appointed Bernstein as president and CEO, and Zoellick as chairman of the Board of Directors. Fallon-Walsh, Kaye, and de Oliveira, will also join the board. In addition, current board directors, Denis Duverne, and Mark Pearson will remain on the board, but will also be joined by Malmstrom, the CFO of AXA Financial, Inc.


Company: Ultimus Fund Solutions

Appointment: Bill Tomko

Tomko was appointed as an executive vice president, director of fund servicing at Ultimus. Previously, Tomko was employed at SS&C where he served as a service center executive in the firm’s hedge and private equity administration business.


Company: Broadridge Financial Solutions

Appointment: Deborah A. Bussière

Bussière was appointed as global chief marketing officer at Broadridge, effective May 8. Previously, she served as interim CMO at firms like Grayscale Investments, among others.


Company: Clough Capital Partners

Appointee: James E. Canty

Canty is stepping down from his position as PM, and interested trustee of each of the Clough Global Closed-End Funds due to an existing medical condition. Charles Clough and Robert Zdunczyk will remain PMs for each of the Clough Global Closed-End Funds. Relatedly, Kevin McNally was elected an interested trustee of each of the Clough Global Closed-End Funds effective as of April 24, 2017.


Company: Athena Capital Advisors

Appointment: Douglas Cohen

Cohen joined Athena as a managing director, leading Athena’s New York City office. Previously, Cohen was employed at Eachwin Capital where he served as a founding partner and PM.


Company: Fiera Capital

Appointment: Jean-Guy Desjardins

Desjardins was appointed to act as interim Chief Operating Officer at Finra in the wake of the resignation of Sylvain Brosseau, past COO and Global President of Finra. Both will work together until June 30, 2017 to "ensure a seamless transition." However, Brosseau will remain a member of Fiera Capital's Board of Directors.


Check back as we keep an eye on people moves in the future and see our previous Follow the Fundsters (previously know as People on the Move) column here. For the latest SEC filings and fund launches, explore our Filings For Fundsters (formerly Stork and Reaper) and New Fund Fuss columns. For job opportunities in the industry, explore our The Next Gig column. If you have a fund filing, a mutual fund launch, a product change or a new hire that you would like to announce, please contact the MFWire team at editors@investmentwires.com. 

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