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Thursday, December 1, 2016

Fund Action Reunites with MMI and More

Reported by Katy Golvala

London-based Pageant Media has just acquired iiSearches, Foundation & Endowment Intelligence and Money Management Intelligence from New York City-based Institutional Investor.

Charlie Kerr
Pageant Media
Chief Executive Officer
The two publications will enhance Pageant's current intelligence offerings across hedge funds, mutual funds and real estate. With II Searches, the company is continuing its expansion into data services. According to a statement by the company, II Searches is used by "eight of the top ten asset managers in the world by AUM."

Pageant CEO Charlie Kerr said that the "acquisition marks a significant step in the development of Pageant Media's asset management business information services." The brands will be integrated into Pageant, and the company plans on bulking up their digital presence.

Pageant has expressed interest in further U.S. expansion since the last time it acquired brands from Institutional Investor back in 2014.

Two years ago, Pageant acquired Fund Director Intelligence, Fund Industry Intelligence (i.e. Fund Action), Compliance Intelligence and Real Estate Finance Intelligence from II. At the time, a Pageant exec told MFWire that the company was "looking to sort of ramp up in the U.S."

The two companies definitely know each other well. Pageant also acquired II brands in 2010 and 2011.

II staff from the UK and US offices will join Pageant's London and New York offices.


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