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Rating:Aberdeen and OpFunds Win Big in Chicago Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Aberdeen and OpFunds Win Big in Chicago

Reported by Neil Anderson, Managing Editor

Last night in Chicago fundsters from Aberdeen [profile], OppenheimerFunds [profile], TIAA [profile] (including Nuveen [profile]), U.S. Global Investors [profile], and Nationwide Funds [profile] all won big.

Martin Gilbert
Chief Executive Officer
Those shops won the most awards at the Mutual Fund Education Alliance's (MFEA's) 20th annual STAR Awards Celebration at the Mid America Club atop the Aon building in downtown Chitown. 126 awards were given out across a host of categories for fundsters' marketing and communication efforts in different channels (advisor, retail, and retirement) and from firms of different sizes. After a cocktail hour and a steak and salmon dinner, the brisk ceremony got underway as fundsters dug into their creme brulee for dessert.

Aberdeen, classified by MFEA as a medium-sized fund firm, was the biggest winner of the night by award count. The publicly-traded Scottish multinational asset manager's Philadelphia-based U.S. arm won 16 awards. Yet thanks to a global Aberdeen training program, Aberdeen's marketers couldn't attend the ceremony; they sent a team thank you video instead, and included instagram pictures of each team member.

New York City-based MassMutual subsidiary OppenheimerFunds, in the "large-plus" category, landed 13 star awards last night, thanks to different aspects of its "Invest in a Beautiful World" campaign. New York City-based TIAA and its Chicago-based Nuveen subsidiary, both in the large firms category, won a combined 12 star awards last night. San Antonio-based, publicly-traded U.S. Global Investors won 10 stars, in the small firms category. And Nationwide, in the large firm category, won 8 stars, including the 2016 community investment award (for which associate vice president Keith Bernard offered some brief thank-you remarks).

Other winning firms included:


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