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Rating:People on the Move - September 20, 2016 Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Tuesday, September 20, 2016

People on the Move - September 20, 2016

Reported by Ashley McHugh-Chiappone

Company: L&S Advisors, LLC.

Obituary: J. Edwin "Ed" Holliday

Holliday passed away on September 2. Prior to his death, he served as managing director of client development of L&S Advisors, Inc. and advisory board member of ETF Portfolio Management. He is survived by his two sons, one grandson and four step-children.


Company: NorthStar Financial Services Group, LLC

Promotios: Todd Clarke, Ryan Beach

NorthStar has added a national accounts team to manage growth. The national accounts and marketing teams will be led by Clarke, formerly the CEO of NorthStar subsidiary CLS. Beach, formerly president of CLS, will succeed Clarke as CLS' CEO.


Company: B. Riley & Co., LLC

Promotion: Andy Moore

Moore has been promoted to president. He will manage the day-to-day operations of B. Riley's brokerage business. Previously, Moore was head of capital markets for B. Riley.


Company: S-Network Global Indexes Inc.

Addition: Stephen Bitteker

Bitteker has been hired as director of sales. His hiring coincides with S-Network's launch of a new suite of benchmark indexes.


Company: Davis Advisors

Addition: Dodd Kittsley

Kittsley joins Davis as a director, following his departure from Deutsche Asset Management this past summer, as reported by MFWire.


Company: Deutsche X-Trackers

Additions: Patrick Dwyer, Brandon Matsui

Dwyer and Matsui join the Deutsche X-Trackers team as portfolio managers and directors.


Company: Pictet Asset Management

Addition: Tim Holland

Holland has been appointed Co-Head of U.S. Sub-Advisory within Pictet's U.S. Intermediaries Group. Previously, Holland managed the Aston/TAMRO small cap fund.


Check back as we keep an eye on people moves in the future and see our latest column here. For the latest SEC filings and fund launches, explore our Filings For Fundsters (formerly Stork and Reaper) and New Fund Fuss columns. If you have a fund filing, a mutual fund launch, a product change or a new hire that you would like to announce, please contact the MFWire team at editors@investmentwires.com. 

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