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Friday, June 10, 2016

A Hancock Global Fund PM Leaves a Subadvisor

by: Neil Anderson, Managing Editor

A PM on a global John Hancock [profile] mutual fund is leaving the fund's subadvisor and the fund.

Andrew Jackson
Standard Life Investments
Head of Wholesale, Listed Real Estate Funds
Hancock confirms in a filing with the SEC that on September 1 Andrew Jackson will leave the $55.1-million John Hancock Global Real Estate Fund. The fund's other PM, Svitlana Gubriy, will stay on. The fund launched on September 23, 2015.

Jackson serves as head of wholesale and listed real estate funds at Edinburgh, Scotland-based Standard Life Investments, subadvisor to the John Hancock Global Estate Fund. A spokesman for SLI confirms that in October Jackson will leave after 25 years with the company. Meanwhile, Gubriy has been promoted to head of global REIT funds at SLI, and James Britton has been promoted to PM of SLI's own Global Real Estate Fund (formerly called Global Select).

A spokeswoman for Boston, Massachusetts-based Hancock declined to comment for this story and referred inquiries to SLI.

Jackson joined SLI in 1991 in the property research team, which he took over in 1999. He rose to lead the wholesale and listed team in 2008.

"Andrew has made a significant contribution to the team over 25 years at Standard Life Investments," David Paine, head of real estate at SLI, says in an emailed statement:

Starting in property research he has held a number of roles within the team. He played a key role in creating the innovative Global Real Estate Fund as well as the development of our Global REIT funds and the management of the team responsible for both SLIPIT and the SLI UK Property Fund. He has decided to leave to pursue other interests, but is staying until October to ensure a smooth transition for his team and our clients. I would like to thank Andrew personally for his help, support and contribution to the business over the many years we have worked together.

Gubriy joined SLI in 2005 and PMs SLI's Global REIT Focus Fund and deputy PMs its Global REIT Fund. Britton joined SLI in 2006 and PMs both the Standard Life Unit Linked Fund and its South Yorkshire Pensions Authority mandate.

SLI touts itself as "one of Europe's largest real estate investors," with 18.2 billion pounds (about $25.95 billion) in real estate assets and 152 real estate investment professionals around the world. 

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