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Rating:Keep an Eye on AB, Guggenheim, and Janus Not Rated 5.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Keep an Eye on AB, Guggenheim, and Janus

Reported by Neil Anderson, Managing Editor

2016 will be a great mutual fund year for Charles Schwab [profile], DoubleLine [profile], John Hancock [profile], and Vanguard [profile], at least according to these mutual fund industry consultants.

Neil Bathon and his team at Fuse Research continue their annual tradition of making predictions, mostly about the fund business. For 2016, the Fuse folks point to DoubleLine, John Hancock, Schwab, and Vanguard when they write "the strong get stronger".

T. Neil Bathon
FUSE Research Network
Managing Partner
Bathon and Co. also urge fundsters to keep an eye on three other "up & coming" fund firms: AB [profile], thanks to "more than enough strong performers to reignite sales momentum"; Guggenheim [profile], "a mixture of five different franchises offering the most diverse mix of product of any fund group in the U.S."; and Janus [profile], "another firm that has evolved to become a multi-boutique investment shop".

The Fuse team also offers 2016 predictions on mutual fund product development (more passive, more international and global), net flows (passive dominating with active bouncing back), the DoL's fiduciary reg, and more. 

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