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Friday, May 8, 2015

Grim Will Stay

Reported by Lande Asiru

David Grim will be named the head of the SEC's division of investment management. Grimm is currently in the job as acting head. Grim has been the division’s acting director since February, following the departure of former director Norm Champ.

David W. Grim
Securities and Exchange Commission
Director, Division of Investment Management
"David is a committed public servant with a nearly 20-year tenure in the Division of Investment Management,” stated SEC chair Mary Jo White. “I am confident that the Commission and the public will continue to benefit from his leadership and deep knowledge of the work of the division on behalf of investors.”

After MFWire reported the news this morning, the SEC issued an announcement, stating that Grim "joined the SEC in September 1995 as a Staff Attorney in the division’s Office of Investment Company Regulation. In January 1998, he moved to the division's Office of Chief Counsel and was named Assistant Chief Counsel in September 2007. Mr. Grim was appointed as Deputy Director of the division in January 2013, with responsibility for overseeing all aspects of its disclosure review, rule-making, guidance, and risk monitoring functions." 

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