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Rating:TD Ameritrade's 2014 Advisor Shindig Begins Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

TD Ameritrade's 2014 Advisor Shindig Begins

Reported by Tommy Fernandez

Think Green.

It's everywhere at the colossal Hyatt Regency Orlando convention center as hundreds of exhibitors, organizers and hotel staff prepare for a couple of thousand of advisors to wander, eat, drink, socialize and talk business at the TD Ameritrade Institutional 2014 National Conference.

You see it on giant banners, polo shirts, gift bags and all sorts of computer stands. It's the green of limes, of golf grass, or play money.

The theme for this year's event is The Power of Together and you better believe it. The conference hasn't official started yet and already hundreds of advisors are already milling around the dozens of bright green computer stands, banners, giant blocks and placards proclaiming another southern migratory season for financial advisors.

If you are worried that there won't be nought room for these thousands of fee-based migratory birds, think again: the center is ginormous.

The event is going to feature an all star team of speakers, including Sugar Ray Leonard, Mitt Romney and George Will, among others.

Huey Lewis and the News will also perform Friday night. Bring out your string tie.

The bash begins officially at 5 p.m.

Think Green. 

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