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Rating:Another TCW Exec From Gundlach's Firing Squad Departs Not Rated 4.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Friday, November 1, 2013

Another TCW Exec From Gundlach's Firing Squad Departs

News summary by MFWire's editors

They were known collectively as "Project G," a group of seven executives put together in 2009 to fire Jeffrey Gundlach from TCW, according to Institutional Investor.

The assumption was that if Gundlach was kicked out, few people, if anybody, would follow him out the door. When all was said and done, 45 TCW staffers ultimately joined Gundlach to help him launch DoubleLine.

Most of the Project G members have since left, including former CEO Marc Stern, Michael Cahill, Michael Conn, Mark Gibello.

Now, Joseph Burschinger, formerly TCW's chief risk officer and head of investment operations has left to join Guggenheim.  

Edited by: Tommy Fernandez

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