How low can you go? Apparently for ETFs, they can go pretty low, so low in fact that they're bordering on free,
Barrons Steve Garmheusen writes.
But those low costs are becoming inconsequential, Garmhuesen reports, because investors would do better to follow no commissions than low fees. Why? Because low fees for trades can add up quickly, but ETFs without commission, such as those offered by
TD Asset Management [
Fidelity [
profile] and
Charles Schwab [
profile], are a significant enough price break to make up for the savings of a cheaper ETF.
Fidelity is getting in on the trend, releasing commission-free iShares ETFs. On top of this play on investor frugality, some ETFs are appealing to investors willing to shell out money for specialty ETFs, which don't always have a low-cost ETF to compete in a niche category, Garmheusen reports.
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Edited by:
Casey Quinlan
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