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Rating:ETF Assets Rise 2 Percent Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Thursday, December 6, 2012

ETF Assets Rise 2 Percent

Reported by Tommy Fernandez

Almost $21 billion flowed into U.S.-listed ETFs in November, according to an IndexUniverse fund flows report. Total ETF assets rose 2 percent, to $1.316 trillion, as inflows offset a 0.5 percent decline in the DJIA during that time.

Total ETF assets are up almost 24 percent from the $1.062 trillion at the start of 2012 and the $1.065 trillion at the end of November 2011, according to IndexUniverse's November 2012 ETF Fund Flows.

In November, investors plowed more than $9 billion into U.S. equities and another $6 billion into international equity.

According to the report, the most popular fund last month was the iShares MSCI Emerging MarketsIndex Fund The fund garnered some $2.34 billion, while the competing Vanguard MSCI Emerging Markets ETF had outflows of $887.3 million.

"Those opposing flows were in contrast to the predominant patterns of the past few years that have favored the much-cheaper VWO," according to the report.

MFWire noted yesterday that the huge Vanguard outflows were tied to the firm's announcement that it is dropping MSCI as its indexer, as MSCI and FTSE use a different method to determine a country's status as an emerging or developed market. 

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