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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Rezabek Brings a JPM Alum Back to Huntington

Reported by Neil Anderson, Managing Editor

Joe Rezabek is expanding Huntington Asset Services' [profile] relationship management team. Rezabek and his senior vice president of relationship management, Jeff Young, confirmed that Alex Caravetta joined up in May as vice president of relationship management. Watch for Rezabek to make three more hires shortly.

Caravetta previously worked on the institutional trust custody side of the back office shop's parent, Huntington National Bank, and years ago she worked with Young at what was then Bisys Fund Services (later merged into Citi Fund Services). Most recently she served as a vice president and client account manager at J.P. Morgan Chase, working with pension funds, foundations and endowments.

Young praised Caravetta for the latter's "wealth of experience" and told MFWire that he's "very pleased" to have her on board. Young confirmed that his relationship management team now includes six people in total.

According to Rezabek, Huntington Asset Services has about 100 employees servicing about $45 billion in assets. 

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