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Rating:GEPAM Starts CEO Advisory Council Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Monday, November 11, 2002

GEPAM Starts CEO Advisory Council

by: Ki Kim

GE Private Asset Management (GEPAM) has created a CEO Advisory Council, to be led by its Chairperson and CEO Bethann Roberts, to spur dialogue between its business leaders and key investment clients. The Council will meet quarterly to discuss product and service trends, share best practices and uncover specific investment and service needs for investment professionals and investors.

The first meeting was held on September 13, 2002. Charter members include Peter Burton, Burton/Enright Group, Royal Alliance; Jayne Byrne, Wayne Warner & Associates, Linsco Private Ledger; Curtis Campbell, Investment Architects; Robert Enright, Burton/Enright, Royal Alliance; Owen Hand, Royal Alliance; Ross Hoffman, Hoffman & Associates; Leah Hoffman-Langerman, SunAmerica Securities; Roger Johnson, Personal Benefit Services; Pamela Patterson, SunAmerica Securities; John Smallwood, Smallwood Capital Management; Gayl Hynek, Wells Fargo Securities; and Peter Tedstrom, Brown & Tedstrom

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