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Rating:Calvert Campaigns for Fund Proxy Disclosure Not Rated 4.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Monday, November 11, 2002

Calvert Campaigns for Fund Proxy Disclosure

by: Ki Kim

Calvert, the socially responsible mutual fund family, launched an investor activism campaign on the Web to encourage investors to support an SEC proposal on mutual-fund proxy disclosure. Under the proposed rule, fund companies will be required to provide information both on their general policies for proxy voting and on specific proxy votes cast on behalf of their funds. Investors who wish to support the proposal should go to www.calvert.com/commentary.html to use the search tool and sign the letter of support automatically forwarded to the SEC.

"We believe that the proposed proxy disclosure rule is a major step forward in providing greater transparency to investors whose proxy assets are held in mutual funds," says Reggie Stanley, senior vice president of Calvert. "Calvert shareholders have always valued the information on voting policies and votes cast that we provide on our web site and we want to encourage them to demand that other fund companies are also voting proxy assets in investors' best interests as well."

Calvert is one of the largest mutual fund complexes in the Washington D.C. area with approximately $8.4 billion in assets under management. 

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