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Rating:Fido Stands Behind an MF Global Alum Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Friday, January 6, 2012

Fido Stands Behind an MF Global Alum

News summary by MFWire's editors

Ned Johnson and Fidelity's top brass are standing behind a prominent alum of MF Global. The Boston Behemoth is endorsing Amy Butte Liebowitz for the board of Strategic Advisers Inc., a post she has held since last September.

The board seat is up for election on January 20.

Fidelity spokesperson Vincent Loporchio told Reuters that Liebowitz was tapped for her business and finance experience.

She quit as MF Global's chief financial officer in 2008 after leading its 2007 IPO and she played no role in the trades that brought the firm down this winter. However, Reuters reports that Liebowitz is one of the defendants in an earlier civil case against MF Global that is unrelated to the problems created under CEO Jon Corzine.

MF Global was spun out of the Man Group as Man Financial.

Before joining Man Group in September of 2006, Liebowitz was a Wall Street veteran as well as a Bear Stearns star stock analyst.

Post MF Global she founded TILE Financial Inc., an education firm based in Manhattan.

She will receive roughly $80,000 a year for sitting on Strategic Advisers' board. Strategic Advisers manages Fidelity's customized Portfolio Advisory Service product and has $98 billion of AUM, according to Reuters

Edited by: HFD

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