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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Pozen Web-Speaks!

Reported by Neil Anderson, Managing Editor

Fundsters interested in picking the brain of former MFS chairman Bob Pozen (#94 on MFWire's 2010 list of the Most Influential fundsters) now have a new way to do it: online. For some time, Pozen has re-posted his newspaper guest columns and clips of his interviews on bobpozen.com, and now he's upgraded it to a full-fledged blog with original posts.

The theme is "Economic Perspective and Personal Productivity."

What's on Pozen's mind these days? His recent posts include discussion of immigration policy, a business school in China, and the Volcker Rule.

Pozen isn't new to the fund-exec-turned-author-and-sage game. He and NICSA president Theresa Hamacher recently teamed up to write a mutual fund industry primer, The Fund Industry: How Your Money Is Managed [see MFWire.com, 2/10/2011]. 

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