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Rating:RiverPark Ramps Up its Active ETF Push Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

RiverPark Ramps Up its Active ETF Push

Reported by InvestmentWires Staff, 

RiverPark Capital LLC, a New York City-based firm that sub-advises four actively managed ETFs for Grail Advisors, is stepping up efforts to educate advisors on the merits of such investment vehicles. Also, the firm is thinking about adding staff down the road in the distribution and operations areas, said the firm's managing partner and CEO, Morty Schaja.

In an interview with The MFWire on Wednesday at RiverPark's headquarters in midtown Manhattan, Schaja said the firm plans to come out with mailings as part of efforts to "accelerate the process of educating advisors." Starting next quarter, RiverPark plans to initiate quarterly conference calls with advisors and in the latter part of the year, the firm hopes to increase its visibility in the press.

Last October, the four active ETFs -- RP Growth, RP Technology, RP Financials and RP Focused Large Cap Growth -- hit the market. St. Louis-based Wedgewood Partners also serves as sub-advisor to the RP Focused Large-Cap Growth ETF.

The four ETFs have gathered $20 million so far.

Schaja, an alum of Baron Funds, started RiverPark in 2006. Other Baron alums at the firm include CIO and managing partner Mitch Rubin, principal and portfolio manager Conrad van Tienhoven and head trader Kristi Caruso.

Last fall, Tom Winnick, previously president of DWS Distributors, joined the firm as partner and chief marketing officer.  

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