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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Horsesmouth Teams Up With a Fund Consulting Firm

News summary by MFWire's editors

kasina is beefing up its advisor-focused data with a new partnership. On Tuesday the distribution-focused consultants revealed their new Advisor Vision service, in conjunction with Horsesmouth, to provide asset managers and insurers with more information on advisors by tapping in to Horsesmouth's 70,000-plus online advisor community members.

kasina principal Lee Kowarski described Advisor Vision as "a necessary tool for the forward-looking distribution executive."

Company Press Release

New York, (April 21, 2009) – Recognizing the increased need for executives at asset management and insurance companies to receive timely and actionable insights from financial intermediaries, kasina and Horsesmouth have expanded their services by launching Advisor Vision, a new service that provides firms with unmatched access to financial intermediaries’ behaviors, preferences, and opinions.

kasina and Horsesmouth have traditionally served distinct constituencies in the asset management industry:

  • kasina is a strategy consulting firm with an exclusive focus on helping asset managers and insurance companies sell, market, and service more effectively

  • Horsesmouth is an online advisor community and resource center, focused on helping financial advisors build and manage their practices

    Realizing that their key constituencies have something to learn from each other, kasina and Horsesmouth teamed up to develop Advisor Vision to provide insight into advisors’ investment behaviors, preferences for working with asset managers, and opinions on specific firms, gleaned through an ongoing series of targeted surveys and by tapping into the Horsesmouth community on a daily basis. Along with the uncensored survey data, Advisor Vision will provide clients with detailed, actionable recommendations that are dictated by their business strategy.

    “The frequency of the surveys and the transparency of the data are unparalleled in the market today. In addition, the level of customized analysis and recommendations we are providing makes Advisor Vision a necessary tool for the forward-looking distribution executive,” says Lee Kowarski, principal at kasina.

    Advisor Vision also utilizes more modern measures of customer satisfaction and brand perception to paint the big picture of firms’ performance in the eyes of advisors, and allow for easy comparison across firms and across time periods.

    "Advisors are reassessing everything right now. Attitudinal changes that used to take place over years are now happening in weeks and months. More than ever, asset managers need to understand what’s currently going on in advisors’ minds if they want to develop products and messages that will resonate in the future,” says William T. Nicklin, CEO of Horsesmouth. “That's why we are so excited about bringing this 'next generation' service to asset managers, based on new technologies and techniques that yield more useful, ongoing data throughout each year from an increasingly large cross-section of the advisor population.”

    At a time when margins are shrinking across the financial services industry, Advisor Vision will allow firms to develop a greater understanding of key audiences to improve profitability by better allocating their distribution efforts in the intermediary channel.

    Advisor Vision provides insight into advisors from all channels (from the wirehouses to insurance) and covers topics including:

  • Investment trends (e.g. which advisors are investing more in UMAs)

  • Investment selection process

  • Firm-specific feedback on products, external wholesalers, and internal wholesalers

  • Firm-specific feedback on brand attributes

  • Firm-specific feedback from customers (advisors that have sold the firms’ products recently) and prospects (advisors that have not sold the firms’ products recently)

    For a limited time, Advisor Vision is available for an annual fee of $50,000. The first broad survey is already in field, gathering data from a group that includes Horsesmouth’s network of over 70,000 advisors. For more information, visit www.advisorvision.com.

    About kasina

    kasina's commitment to innovating distribution in the financial services industry has made it one of the most influential strategy consulting firms in its sector. kasina works with a wide variety of clients from five continents, including firms representing 90% of the U.S.'s total assets under management. An overview of services offered by kasina is available at www.kasina.com.

    About Horsesmouth

    Horsesmouth is dedicated to helping financial advisors build better businesses for themselves and their clients. Through its pioneering online service and advisor community, as well as its acclaimed advisor programs and workshops, Horsesmouth is the trusted partner of over 70,000 advisors across the financial services industry. For more information, visit www.horsesmouth.com. 

    Edited by: Neil Anderson, Managing Editor

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