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Wednesday, February 13, 2002

Changing Roles at Zurich Scudder

by: Tony Pennino

Linda Coughlin, who has served as the head of the U.S. mutual funds group at Zurich Scudder Investments, has stepped down from that post. She will be assuming a new role as an advisory managing director, a spokesperson with Zurich Scudder told the MutualFundWire.com.

Zurich Scudder is currently being acquired by Deutsche Bank. The exact date of when that transaction will be complete is not known, but it is expected be sometime during the first half of this year.

"She is going to be advising on varous issues concerning the transaction agreement, the implementation of that agreement, and issues relating to the board of directors," the spokesperson continued.

Mark Casady will take over Coughlin's responsibilites during the transactional period, but the firm's structure will not be the same once Deutsche Bank takes over.

Further, Kathryn Quirk, general counsel, will be leaving her post as soon as the transaction is complete. 

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