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Rating:A Legg Up? Or, Built to Win Not Rated 3.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Monday, March 19, 2007

A Legg Up? Or, Built to Win

by: Sean Hanna, Editor in Chief

Now that Legg Mason is a fund firm -- and is out of the brokerage business -- not even all of its employees know what it is doing. To rectify the situation, the WSJ reports [subscription needed] that Legg Mason is preparing a corporate branding campaign. All counted, it plans to spend $4 million on the four month campaign from created by Gardner Nelson & Partners of New York. The tagline -- "Independently impressive. Together, extraordinary" -- is intended to bring Western Asset, Clearbridge Advisors, Legg Mason Capital Management, Brandywine Global, Royce & Associates, Permal and Batterymarch under the same umbrella (so to speak and no, the Citi umbrella was not part of the trade). 

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