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Rating:People on the Move -- August 4, 2016 Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Thursday, August 4, 2016

People on the Move -- August 4, 2016

Reported by Jennifer Goetz

Company: USCF

New Additions: Mary Lowry, Kevin Baum, Ryan Katz and Daphne Frydman

Baum is a PM, Lowry is the director of national accounts, Katz is the director of institutional accounts and Frydman is the deputy general counsel, according to an Aug. 1 news release.

Company: LoCorr

New Additions: John Jul and Michael Maitner

It was announced on Aug. 4 that Jul and Maitner were hired as regional vice presidents. Jul will be responsible for LoCorr's southwest region with distribution efforts in southern California, southern Nevada and Hawaii. Maitner will oversee distribution efforts in the Mid-Atlantic region including Maryland, Delaware, East Pennsylvania and South Jersey.

Company: AFAM Capital

New Additions: Josh Kocher and Ray Chen

Kocher and Chen will join AFAM's quantitative division, Innealta Capital. Kocher will be a PM and Chen will serve as quantitative research analyst.

Company: Dreyfus

New Addition: Daniel Rabasco

Rabasco joins Dreyfus as co-primary PM for the Dreyfus Strategic Municipal Bond Fund, Inc. and Dreyfus Strategic Municipals, Inc.

Company: BlueStar Global Investors

New Addition: Joseph Levin

Levin joins BlueStar as partner and chief investment strategist.

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