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Monday, March 8, 2010

BBH Puts a BGI Alum in Charge of ETF Sales

Reported by InvestmentWires Staff, 

Brown Brothers Harriman has tapped Barclays Global Investors alum Shawn McNinch as global ETF product and sales head. McNinch joined BBH last September, three months before BlackRock completed its acquisition of BGI.

At BBH, McNinch leads global product servicing, business development and new product consulting.

McNinch previously served as senior principal within BGI's iShares product strategy group. In that role, he helped with new ETF launches and worked on the development of an ETF distribution strategy.

BBH is the third largest ETF custodian in the country. It works with eight ETF issuers, including three of the top five ETF sponsors in the U.S. BBH's ETF product team helps firms manage product launches for both registered and non-registered ETFs.
Company Press Release

Boston, MA – March 4, 2010 – Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. (BBH) announced today the appointment of Shawn R. McNinch, Senior Vice President, to Global ETF Product and Sales Head.

Prior to joining BBH in late 2009, Mr. McNinch worked at Barclays Global Investors (BGI) where he was a Senior Principal within the iShares (ETFs) Product Strategy Group. Mr. McNinch worked on numerous strategic initiatives for the iShares business including assisting with the launch of new ETFs, working on the development of an ETF distribution strategy, conducting a technology assessment to position business for ETF growth, and assessing numerous new business opportunities. Prior to working at BGI, Mr. McNinch was a Senior Director in Client Management at Investors Bank and Trust (IBT), where he was the senior relationship officer for multiple clients, including BGI iShares. Mr. McNinch also brings experience in consulting, business re-engineering and securities trading through roles at Andersen Consulting, BearingPoint and Merrill Lynch earlier in his career.

BBH has an established expertise in domestic and international equity, fixed income, leveraged/inverse, and commodity ETFs. BBH is the third largest ETF custodian in the US1, working with eight ETF issuers globally, including three out of the top five US ETF sponsors2, representing over 60 exchange traded vehicles. BBH’s dedicated ETF Product Team provides consultative services and assists in managing new product launches for both registered and non-registered exchange traded funds and products.

"We are delighted to have Shawn leading our service offering in this dynamic growth area," said Susan Livingston, Partner and Global Head of Funds and Asset Managers. "Shawn's seventeen years of industry experience, close to half focused on ETFs, combined with his consulting background make him an ideal leader of this highly innovative product area."

"I am very excited to be at a firm with such a great reputation. I am looking forward to working with BBH’s strong client base of leading asset managers and continuing to grow BBH’s already successful ETF servicing business globally," said Mr. McNinch. Mr. McNinch graduated from Syracuse University and holds an MBA from the Stern School of Business at New York University.

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