The Middle is a Bad Place to Be
   The insiders' edge for 40 Act industry executives!
an InvestmentWires' Publication
Tuesday, November 2, 2004

The Middle is a Bad Place to Be

The latest insurance industry scandals are par for the course for Eliot Spitzer, a recent Newsweek article points out.

The AG's habit of going after the middleman is no accident, Spitzer told Newsweek.

In order to decide how to choose what to pursue among the myriad of tips that his office receives, Spitzer focuses on industry middlemen. That's because brokers, across industries, reside in critical positions between consumers and providers.

"Conflicts of interest are the major legal and ethical dilemma facing these industries," Spitzer told Newsweek.

Expect Spitzer to continue his focus on brokers, including advisors who sell insurance to schools and unions, and securities brokers.

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