Watson Wyatt Adds 10 Investment Consulting Staff
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Monday, August 9, 2004

Watson Wyatt Adds 10 Investment Consulting Staff

Watson Wyatt Investment Consulting announced the hire of ten professionals to offices in Los Angeles, New York and Atlanta on Monday.

Martha Spano will head the newly formed investment consulting team in Los Angeles and also the company's western U.S. division. Michael Ford also joined the newly formed Los Angeles office.

Janice Fritz-Snyder and Ron Radcliff joined the New York and Atlanta offices, respectively, as research analysts. Fritz-Snyder left Northern Trust, while Radcliff leaves a position at Nationwide Retirement.

A spokesman for Northern Trust said Fritz-Synder left last year and was replaced by Chris Vella as senior vice president and director of equity research.

Ruth Falck, senior consultant, transferred from Chicago to New York.

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