Where Do Fundsters See Room For Digital Marketing Improvement?
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an InvestmentWires' Publication
Friday, February 7, 2025

Where Do Fundsters See Room For Digital Marketing Improvement?

When it comes to digital marketing, there are several strategies where the vast majorities of fundsters say they need to improve, according to new research from a consulting ally to fundsters.

45 percent of asset managers say they need lots of improvement when it comes to the use of data and analytics, and 45 percent say they need some improvement (so 90 percent say they need at least some improvement), reveals Loren Fox, director of research at Fuse Research Network. That's one finding from a new survey by Fuse and the Investment Management Education Alliance (IMEA).

Other big areas of digital marketing concern include user journeys (91 percent say they need at least some improvement, including 36 percent who say they need a lot) and content marketing (96 percent say they need at least some improvement, including 20 percent who say they need a lot). Social media or influencer engagement and marketing technology stack were less commonly top of mind.

Fox urges fundsters to focus on one of these five areas first.

"FUSE believes that better use of data and analytics should be a priority, as it can help inform progress in the other strategies that marketers identified as requiring improvement," Fox states.

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