The $6T Special Share Class
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an InvestmentWires' Publication
Friday, October 28, 2016

The $6T Special Share Class

By 2020, ETFs' combined AUM could reach nearly $6 trillion.

Lisa Kealy
Ernst & Young
EMEIA Wealth and Asset Management ETF Leader
So says EY's Matt Forestenhausler (global and U.S. wealth and asset management ETF leader), Lisa Kealy (EMEIA wealth and asset management ETF leader), and Julie Kerr (Asia-Pacific wealth and asset management ETF leader) in the professional services company's Global ETF Survey 2016, which was picked up by Barron's.

In the 36-page report, the EY folks highlight three "strategic themes": "digital distribution", "market entry", and "product development." "Profitability, efficiency and scale" gets its own two-page spread, too. The EY folks dig into a host of topics, and they notably see distribution as a key area where the ETF industry needs to improve:

The ETF industry lags behind when it comes to innovative distribution models. Only 10% of survey respondents believe their distribution model is suitable for today and the future, compared to 20% who view it as outright insufficient.

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