75 Years: 2015 ICI GMM in Pictures
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Tuesday, May 12, 2015
75 Years: 2015 ICI GMM in Pictures
Last week more than 1,600 fundsters converged on the Marriott Wardman Park hotel in Washington, D.C. for the Investment Company Institute's General Membership Meeting. Here's a visual look at the conference, which was also a celebration of the 75th anniversary of the modern mutual fund industry.
Wednesday, May 6
| Welcome to the 2015 ICI GMM! | |
| JPAM global funds chief and ICI GMM planning committee chair George Gatch kicks things off. | |
| ICI chief Paul Schott Stevens talks to Walt ... that is, Walt Bettinger, CEO of Charles Schwab. | |
| BNY Mellon helps fundsters indulge their sweet tooths. | |
| BNP Paribas kicks the cocktail hour up a notch. | |
| SEI's wheel of conference giveways | |
| SEI takes over the elevators in conference hotel's main tower. | |
* * *
Thursday, May 7
| Facing the Future: Fresh Perspectives panel Featuring (clockwise, starting furthest from the camera):
-Jenny Johnson (moderator), Franklin Templeton;
-Omar Aguilar, Charles Schwab Investment Management;
-Kara Hoogensen, the Principal;
-Simon Mendelson, Deutsche Asset and Wealth Management; and
-Julie St. John, Capital Group | |
| CNBC sets up for interviews at the ICI GMM | |
| A Conversation With Former ICI Chairmen Jack Brennan (second from the left, chairman emeritus of Vanguard), Paul Haaga (second from the right, former chairman of Capital Group), and Jim Riepe (on the right, retired vice chairman of T. Rowe Price) all listen to a question from Paul Schott Stevens (on the left, chief of the ICI) | |
| Millennials and Investment Advice: What the Future Holds panel featuring (from left to right): -Stuart Parker, Prudential Investments (moderator); -Andy Sieg, Bank of America Merrill Lynch; -Adam Nash, Wealthfront; and -Rich Dion, Envestnet | |
| Sangria for fundsters, courtesy of Deloitte | |
| An evening in the park ... indoors at the ICI GMM | |
| Did a pair of fundsters cycle into the GMM? | |
| Fresh smoothies for fundsters, couresty of UMB | |
| Pop the cork and celebrate 75 years of the modern mutual fund industry! | |
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