Another ETF Strategist Enters '40 Act Country
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an InvestmentWires' Publication
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Another ETF Strategist Enters '40 Act Country

A Midwestern ETF strategist just entered the mutual fund business.

Last month Brighton, Michigan-based Fortunatus Investments launched the Fortunatus Protactical New Opportunity Fund, a quantitative, global, small cap fund. Watch for Fortunatus to launch another fund, perhaps later this year.

"We do have plans for a more general sort of U.S.-based funds," perhaps one investing in large or mid-cap stocks, Fortunatus chief investment officer Tim Giampetroni tells MFWire.

Giampetroni is one of three co-PMs of Fortunatus' first mutual fund. He confirms Fortunatus will be using its new fund for its clients.

"We're getting it inside of our model portfolios," Giampetroni says.

The fund is available on the platform of TD Ameritrade, Fortunatus' primary custodian. They're working with Gemini Fund Services and Gemini affiliate Northern Lights Distributors.

"We think it works best for other fee-based advisors," Giampetroni says of the new fund.

Fortunatus itself is about five years old and is a subsidiary of Executive Wealth Management. Bert Herzog leads both EWM and Fortunatus.

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