Vanguard Did Well, But Look at Dodge & Cox
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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Vanguard Did Well, But Look at Dodge & Cox

Morningstar's June fund flows report is out, and Vanguard won again, garnering $7.57 billion in flows for the month and $64.79 billion year-to-date.

Now onto something slightly different.

Dodge & Cox, which offers only six funds, was in a solid second place with $2.25 billion for the month, and $7.7 billon in flows for the year.

In third place was John Hancock, with $2.1 billion for the month and nearly $7.8 billion for the year. Fourth was Dimensional Fund Advisors, with slightly more than $2 billion for the month, and nearly $14.5 billion for the year.

JP Morgan was fifth with $1.67 billion for June and slightly less than $15 billion for the year.

Pimco continued as the biggest loser, shedding $5.8 billion in June and $32.3 billion this year.

Eaton Vance was second, losing $1.7 billion for the month and almost $3.3 billion so far in 2014.

Third was Hartford, losing $1 billion in June and nearly $3.1 billion year-to-date, followed by Columbia, which lost $926 million in June and about $4.76 billion this year so far.

Thornburg was the fifth biggest loser with June losses of $680 million and slightly more than $4 billion so far in 2014.

Further breakdowns of the flows for other fund families, as well as flows of notable funds and assorted investment strategies and asset categories, can be found in the Morningstar June fund flows

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