Now Investors Know the Ins and Outs of Your Flows, Too
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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Now Investors Know the Ins and Outs of Your Flows, Too

Flows have been a big deal for you recently, right? What with the rush to launch lower fee share classes of your funds, struggling to get on platforms, and hopefully those platforms' select lists, and the struggle to get the right wholesaling mix, and so on and so on.

Now, retail investors are starting to pay attention to your flows almost as much as you do. Take for instance, this Wall Street Journal blog item which drills down on what a fund's flows can mean to them.

The insights outlined in this blog item were not humungous, just that flows can serve as a sign for opportunities in some asset classes, and that mass redemptions can impact a fund's abilities to invest effectively.

Well, "Everybody in the fund industry knows these things," you might say in response to that Journal blog.

Well, now investors know this too.

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