CQ's Phillips Shares What Mutual Fund Investors Want
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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

CQ's Phillips Shares What Mutual Fund Investors Want

What do fund investors want? That's the question Ben Phillips of Casey Quirk & Associates tries to answer in a recent column at

He says that successful fund shops will have at least one of the following four "value propositions": high return active-management, cost-efficient indexing, asset allocation expertise, and solutions-led distribution.
Mutual fund firms with offering these value propositions will have a far easier time attracting business and capturing customers from asset managers slow to adapt. Conversely, a broad array of existing asset managers—including many of the largest mutual fund providers—will struggle to meet investors' demands. Mutual fund shareholders' expectations are uncovering an oversupply of outmoded providers in the industry: mainly those focused on benchmark-hugging portfolios with high fees that consume most of their thin relative returns.

The changing needs and expectations of U.S. mutual fund investors and their counterparts worldwide will reshape the global asset management industry. Between now and 2017, the firms adapting successfully will attract 90% of new industry revenues—within U.S. mutual funds and across the entire industry.
For more details, check out the original article here.

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