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Wednesday, February 15, 2012 Two Mutual Fund Writers Switch Focus Two journalists focused on mutual funds and exchange-traded funds are changing posts. On February 4 Murray Coleman penned his last weekly "ETF Focus" column for Barron's, followed on February 10 by his last "Focus on Funds" blog post. New York City-based Dow Jones Newswires reporter Brendan Conway took Coleman's place at Barron's. "I was drawn to the mix of reporting, blogging and commentary that will be the three mainstays of the online 'Focus on Funds' as well as the print ETF column," Conway told MFWire.com in an e-mailed statement. "I feel like a reporter at heart, and I'm a believer that a person can take both blogging and commentary much farther when they're driven by good reporting." San Francisco-based Coleman, meanwhile, has switched over to Dow Jones Newswires to write a twice weekly column on ETFs and other mutual funds. Both Barron's and the wire service are Dow Jones publications, so Coleman and Conway are both staying within the Dow Jones family. An alum of Investor's Business Daily and IndexUniverse, as well as Dow Jones, Coleman has been writing about funds for more than a decade. He started writing "ETF Focus" columns two years ago. Conway has spent almost three years with Dow Jones, most recently as a markets reporter writing about derivatives and stocks, as well as ETFs and other mutual funds. He also has experience writing on economics and politics, thanks to his work with the Christian Science Monitor, the National Interest and the Washington Times. Printed from: MFWire.com/story.asp?s=39237 Copyright 2012, InvestmentWires, Inc. All Rights Reserved |