Gundlach Woos RIAs and Reporters
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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Gundlach Woos RIAs and Reporters

Jeff Gundlach and three of his top PMs just came to the East Coast to wow investors and the media alike. Today Los Angeles-based DoubleLine Capital [see profile] hosted a luncheon panel discussion at the New York Yacht Club in midtown Manhattan, gathering together more than 150 people, including consultants, high net worth investors, RIAs and reporters from a number of publications, including Bloomberg and Dow Jones.

Gundlach himself spoke on a variety of economic and investing topics, characterizing the 2012 election as a possible showdown between "The Taxes Are Too Damn Low" party and "The Spending is Too Damn High" party. He warned investors to avoid investing in Europe at all in light of the current crisis.

"At DoubleLine, we are 100 percent dollar-denominated," Gundlach told the attendees.

Core fixed income PM Bonnie Baha, emerging markets PM Luz Padilla and multi-asset growth PM Jeff Sherman also discussed the markets.

Though the event focused on investment outlook, Gundlach did field one question about the status of legal fight with former employer TCW.

"It's over. It's in a mop-up stage," Gundlach said, who previously characterized the initial $66.7-million jury award in DoubleLine's favor as "67 to zero." "The gap in the score should go up."

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