January 26, 2001
   The insiders' edge for 40 Act industry executives!
an InvestmentWires' Publication
Friday, January 26, 2001

January 26, 2001

Tech Funds Bounce Back
From Wall Street Journal
We hope it is not a dead-cat bounce. The paper reports that some of the funds that limped to the end of the year are out of the gate in 2001 at a sprint. Those highlighted include: Janus Fund (up 9.1 percent) and MFS Emerging Growth Fund (up 12.2 percent). Indeed, the average tech fund is up 9.1 percent in 2001.

Jacob Comes Clean
Ryan Jacob has responded to criticisms from former SEC staffer turned columnist Mercer Bullard by inserting his fund's lousy year 200 performance in its prospectus and promising to update the materials on his Web site. Bullard had written an article attacking Jacob for selling funds off a "stale" prospectus on the firms site. That prospectus has since been removed and an updated one is promised to be on the way. Bullard writes that Jacob also told him that he has resisted advice that he start a new fund or merge his current fund out of existence to erase his funds poor performance "because to me it's a very unethical thing to do. It's my obligation to investors to improve things after our performance in 2000." Wow!

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