Web Disconnect
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an InvestmentWires' Publication
Friday, February 23, 2001

Web Disconnect

In the wired world, strategizing about horses before carts is an obvious reason for the plunging new economy, as e-Businesses hailed the Internet's 21st-century delivery systems without delivering a 21st-century product. It would appear that execs managing customer relationships still haven't seen the staggeringly large writing on the wall yet, as Web sites built to improve customer interaction fail at interacting, according to a new report put out by kasina. Emails sent to the customer service contacts had less than a 50% response rate, and the response time of those that did reply averaged out to 30 hours. Besides the response metrics, the helpfulness of the responses and the quality of the online functionalities were also addressed, and the report concluded that the Web strategies of most fund companies are deeply flawed in improving customer relationships and retaining assets.

kasina's report predicts that the next efficiency-boosting implementation for fund sites will revolve around artificial intelligence, where utilities like natural language bots can address approximately 80% of a call center's traffic.

"You basically get a text output of the entire conversations so, if you have a good back-office system, you can improve the content of your Web site," said Michael Sellitto, a consultant at New York-based kasina.

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