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Monday, December 21, 2009 Strategic Insight Moves in with its New Parent Strategic Insight, New York-based the fund research and consulting firm which sold to Asset International over the summer, has left its Fifth Avenue home of 15 years, moving to a bigger office under the same roof as its new corporate parent. Strategic Insight made the move to 805 Third Avenue over the weekend, said co-founder Avi Nachmany. Phone numbers and e-mail addresses remain the same. Most SI staffers are working from home today. Tomorrow will be their first day at the new offices, which feature, among others, an in-house studio. They will share the 21st floor with Asset International executives. "We've taken advantage of the real estate environment," Nachmany said. "We've moved to a bigger space." Asset International and Case Interactive Media executives (Case Interactive acquired Asset International last year) have been on the 15th floor of the building. They will move to the 21st floor next week. Strategic Insight employs about 75 people. In its old offices on 590 Fifth Avenue, Strategic Insight's mutual fund, retirement income and global teams were spread across three floors. Now, everyone will work out of the same floor. "It will foster closer collaboration," Nachmany said. Strategic Insight's lease at its Fifth Avenue office expires at yearend. This marks the third move for SI since its 1986 founding: it started out on 360 Madison Avenue, the moved to 600 Third Avenue and after two years, relocated to 590 Fifth Avenue in 1994. Printed from: Copyright 2009, InvestmentWires, Inc. All Rights Reserved |