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Thursday, February 28, 2002 FT Launches New Evaluation Service FT Interactive Data is launching its Fair Value Evaluation Service. This service is designed to assist the mutual fund business in determine the valuation of international equities. FT’s model evaluates a large number of securities that have been listed for at least a year in the Pacific Rim and European time zones. The platform will then provide users with a fair value evaluation when applies to a given equity’s local close. The system is designed to provide an accurate portrayal of the marketplace. The service is being prepped for launch for the Spring of 2002. A number of clients are currently testing the system. “Forward Funds has actively researched solutions to enhance our approach to mutual fund pricing,” stated Alan Reid, president of Forward Funds. “We engaged the Wharton Business School’s Roger Edelen and he recommended a statistically modeled evaluation process, like that provided by FT Interactive Data’s new Fair Value Evaluation Service. We expect this type of service to have significant benefits to our long-term investors and to deter market timers.” The service works to provide fair value for international securities at 4 p.m. ET. Executives at the firm also believe it will be influential in deterring market timers. Printed from: Copyright 2002, InvestmentWires, Inc. All Rights Reserved |